Monday, December 10, 2012

My profession

My profession
My name is Azjargal. I study at Mongolian University of Science and Technology, School of Information Communication and Technology. I am class of Telecommunication 3rd grade. After graduate test I have joined that school and I chose occupation of Telecommunication engineering.But I didn’t know choose ,my parents recommend to chose my job.I searched about my profession.Althought I chose right profession.Now I am going to explain “why did I think right  that occupation”.
Telecommunications engineering, or telecom engineering, is an engineering discipline that integrates electrical engineering with computer science to develop telecommunication systems. Every time a telephone call is made, a television is watched, or a personal computer is used, benefits of telecommunication technologies are being received. The concept of telecommunications may be defined as the transmission of information from one location to another by electronic means. Telecommunications is using electronic systems to communicate.
Telecommunication is a diverse field of engineering including electronics, civil, structural, and electrical engineering, as well as being a political and social ambassador, a little bit of accounting and a lot of project management. Ultimately, telecom engineers are responsible for providing the method for customers to have telephone and high-speed data services.
Telecom engineers use a variety of equipment and transport media available from a multitude of manufacturers to design the telecom network infrastructure. The most common media, often referred to as plant in the telecom industry, used by telecommunications companies today are copper, coaxial cable, fiber, and radio.
Telecom engineers are often expected, as most engineers are, to provide the best solution possible for the lowest cost to the company. This often leads to creative solutions to problems that often would have been designed differently without the budget constraints dictated by modern society. In the earlier days of the telecom industry massive amounts of cable were placed that were never used or have been replaced by modern technology such as fiber optic cable and digital multiplexing techniques.
 Many of these improvements were made without the use of electronic technology. Human beings earliest attempts at communication were through nonverbal means such as facial expressions and gesturing. The use of these nonverbal signs, prehistoric people were able to communicate emotions such as fear, anger, and happiness. More specific motions, such as pointing, allowed them to convey more information . Verbal communication probably started with a series of disorganized but meaningful sounds (grunts and snarls). These sounds slowly developed into a system of organized, spoken language that truly allowed humans to share information. Writing, which is the use of symbols to represent language, began with early cave drawings, progressed to picture writings such as hieroglyphics, and finally evolved into the handwritten language we use today. As civilization developed, people found it necessary to communicate their ideas to one another over greater distances. The earliest method of transporting information was to carry it from place to place ;but as the development of commerce made speed an essential part, greater effort was expended to increase the rate at which ideas were transmitted.
The search for rapid transport of information led to the formation of the pony express in 1860. Although the pony express required several weeks to carry mail from the East Coast to the West Coast, it was a vast improvement over the earlier methods. The pony express was not the only time humans teamed up with animals to attempt to improve communications. Dogs and pigeons were used to carry messages, especially during wartime . Most, if not all, of the early forms of communication had two significant problems. Both the speed at which information could be effectively communicated and the distance over which information could be sent were severely limited. With the advancements in forms of electronic communication, these problems were solved. It was even before the pony express that a true technological breakthrough was made. In 1844, the first electronic transmission occurred when Samuel Morse developed a system of dots and dashes to symbolize letters of the alphabet. A transmission device called the telegraph was used to send the coded signals over wires. The telegraph was to become the primary method of reliable and rapid communication during the American Civil War . It took quite a few years to link the major cities of America by telegraph wires, but by 1861 the pony express was replaced . Telegraphic communication became a major part of America’s business and military history. One of the early telegraph companies, Western Union, became the dominant carrier. Today, Western Union, through the use of modern technology, transmits information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Actual voice communication over distance finally became possible in 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell held the first telephone conversation with his assistant, Thomas Watson . This alternative to written communication rapidly helped the telephone become the world’s most important communication tool. By 1866 the first successful attempt to link Europe and America by undersea cable had been accomplished. This cable was capable of carrying telegraph data use of modern technology, transmits information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Actual voice communication over distance finally became possible in 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell held the first telephone conversation with his assistant, Thomas Watson . This alternative to written communication rapidly helped the telephone become the world’s most important communication tool. By 1866 the first successful attempt to link Europe and America by undersea cable had been accomplished. This cable was capable of carrying telegraph data only. The telephone today remains a vital tool, and like the telegraph, the telephone is constantly being improved by modern technology. By 1900, the goal of communication technologists was to find a method of transmitting messages over long distances without the need for wires.
Now its 21st century we all living in the planet of “communication web”. Everyone use internet,telecommunication engineer will develop  future communication.So I will happiness for my job.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

New word

portion-хэсэг хувь
trunk-гол шугам
twisted pair-мушгиа хос
back bone-үндсэн тулгуур,гол агуулга
feeder-тэжээл ,фидер
crossconnect-хөндлөн холболт
hazard-осол,аз туршилт
precise-нарийн ,яг таг тодорхой
terminate-дуусгах ,төгсгөх
galvanize-бий болгох

Monday, December 12, 2011

Who is admires someone?

I admires my best friend  is Suhbold.Our class beleive Suhee due to he is never disappointted  our hope.I think he is intelligent  person.He always understand quick something.If someone beleive my freind,he not disapppoint your dependence.

He is really freindly.Reason why he always speaks politely.Maybe our class interest is one interest.We always speaks about sport,movie,fabulosity and ...etc.He help to children cant make lesson.However sometimes he apostitize.But we always foster idea him.He isnt  envy.Its his good  behavior.

Sometimes he is absolutely fall idea.Because he is really exciting.We are make a friend when we was fifth class.Our opinion  accepted the most of the something.That so we are always good friend.
He is studying  in Turkey .Our class beleives him.Why do you thinkl beleive him?
 So I tell  you.He is never disappointted my belief.Its really big reason.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Тамир голын домог
Хүн толь хийж сураагүй байсан эрт цагт хүмүүс бие дүрсээ усанд харж  тольддог байжээ. Тунгалаг сайхан усыг болортой зүйрлэдэг байсан бөгөөд болор гэдэг нэртэй голууд олон байжээ. Нэгэн болор гэдэг голын эрэг дээр ганц охинтой жижигхэн бор гэртэй эмгэн амьдран суудаг байжээ. Тэр охины нэрийг Тамир гэдэг. Тамир охин өсөж торниод уулын цээнэ, усны лянхуа цэцэг шиг үзэсгэлэнт гоо бүсгүй болжээ. Хосгүй сайхан төрсөн Тамир хүүхнийг харсан эр хүн бүрийн сэтгэлд эрх биш мөрөөдхийн хүслэн ургадаг байжээ. Тамир хүүхэн өдөр бүр болор голоосоо ус авхаар очихдоо ариун тунгалаг голын усанд үзэсгэлэн гоогоо тольдож, уртын сайхан дууг уяхан хоолойгоороо аялж, урт сайхан гэзгээ самнан суудаг юмсанж. Тэр үед болор голын нэгэн буланд үнэхээрийн толь мэт тунгалаг ус байсан гэлцдэг. Тэгээд ч тэр голыг болор толь гэж нэрлэжээ. Тамир хүүхэнд тэр нутгийн хөгшин баян санаархдаг байв. Гэвч Тамирд сэтгэлийн хайртай залуу байсан тул баяныг тооддоггүй үзэн яддаг байлаа. Иймд тэрхүү баян хорсохдоо Тамир хүүхний үс зүсээ харан тольддог өнөөх тунгалаг усыг нь булингартуулжээ. Тамир нэгэн өдөр толин дээрээ иртэл толинд нь юм харагдах байтугай юу ч үл харагдах гүнзгий цэлийсэн ус ногоорч харагдав. Тамир хүүхэн сандрахдаа толь усаа олж авах санаатай цэлийсэн ус руу ороод дахин гарч ирээгүй. Тамир хүүхний дурлалт хархүү Тайхар нь болзоот газраа ирээд өнжин хонон хүлээгээд хайртай хүүхнээ ирэхгүй болохоор нь гуньж гутран хүлээж ядаад, эцэст нь хайрт хүүхэндээ дурсгал болгож өнөөх болзоот газраа том чулуу авчирч тавьжээ. Одоо тэр чулууг Тайхарын чулуу гэдэг ба тэр цагаас болор толь голыг Тамир хүүхний нэрээр Тамир гол гэж нэрлэсэн домогтой.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My secret dream

My dream is exactly  wonderful and very hard dream.I want to professional  engineer.Because my father and mother are engineer of build.But I'm  kind of communication engineer.Its my best dream.

I always dreaming for journey from world.Because I want to visit  new place,meet  people,study  for their  culture and I want to know  how to develop own country.At least,I  want to travelling mongolian all country.
Because my freind speaks about countries amazing nature.For example:"Huvsgul lake  have fresh water,animal,ship,many small island and kind people" said my freinds.I will check their said is true.This is my second dream.

I want to learn professional english.Reason for,our society regard to people certainly know english.My job exactly  connect to  english..I want to speak  english as same as mongolia.People speaks english. I will learn to russian and japanese.Because I like japanese language, my grandparents speak russian.Its my third dream.

I watch cartoon when I was child.That so I want to make cartoon due to I like cartoon.Its very interesting and funny.Every children and people  like watch cartoon like not to depend  age.Its my fourth dream.

I want to own football club due to most of people like football.My favorite football team is Manchester united.Manchester united is famous football team of the world.Why our mongolia have football team?
If our team win FIFA,mongolia again return famous of the world.Its my last dream.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Unit 14
EX10: 1.he told us that there are only 1,000 giant pandas left in china.
           2.soon there will be gorillas left he told.
           3.she told me that she was right.
           4.he told that held never seen a panda before.
          5.Billy said to me,I'm going to the zoo tomorrow.
          6.I can't help you,she told me.

EX11:'s the best trip i've never been no sally sain.
            SAlly said to that it was the best trip i'd anevber been on.
          2.I'll never forget it,"john said to me"
             john said to me that i would never forget it.
         3.I've never found my camera,Scott said.
           Sott said to thati had found my camera.
        4.I didn't enjoy the film very much,"Bob said"
          Bob said to that ihadn't enjoy the film very much.
       5.It's boiling hot outside,"jean said"
          jean said to that It was boiling hot outside.
      6.It's getting colder and colder,"Ann told us"
        Ann told us that It was getting colder and cold
    EX12: 1.She said to that Racoons were grey with a striped tail.
          2.He said to that grey sguerrel's had got long,busny tails.
         3.She said that hedgehogs slept during the winter.
          He told us,Mall deer grew antlers every tear.

    EX13: Where do you live?
            She asked me ehrer i live?
            Have you got a pet?
            She asked me if i had a pet.

   EX14:1.She asked me How it was?
            2.She asked me what kind of it was dog?
            3.She asked me if it needed a lot of exercise?
            4.She asked me what it ate?
           5.She asked me it needed to got to the vet?
          6.She asked me How much is cost?

EX15: 1.Steve said that I was thinking of adopting a dolphin.
           2.Sheila asked jimHow often he went there?
           3.Claire asked jeef if he joined the club
          4.Mary said that it was his birthday on 6th mary.
           tommy said that I'd fed the chickens.


Unit 13

EX10. A:Excuse me.Is there a bowling alley near here?
B:Yes,there's in hampton street.
A:HOW do i get there?
B:Go along this street and turn down at the traffic lights.Then take the second turning on the go into hampton street.The bowling alley is about 100 metres down the street turn your right.

EX18. send                         6.paying
           2.laugh                    go
           3.watching               buy
           4.listening                 stay up
           5.go                                 10.going

EX19. 1.SA:Do you like dancing to traditional misic?
              SB:Yes,i do.Actually.I enjoy dancing to traditional music.
              Do you like dancing to traditional music?
              SA:no,I don't.I can't stand dancing to traditional music.
         2.SA:Do you like watching firefox displays
            SB:Yes,I do.Actually.I like watching firefox displays.
            Do you like wearing fancy-dress?
            SA:No,I don't.I hate wearing fancy-dress.
            3.Do you like listening to loud music?
           SB:No,I don't.ACtually.Ican't stand listening to loud music.
            Do you like going to parties?
           SB:No,I don"t. I don't mind going to parties.
          4.SA;Do you like staying up all night?
            SB:Yes,Ido.Actually.I love staying up all night.
            Do you like flying kites?
            SB:No,I don't.I hate flying kites.
         5.SA:Do you likesending cards?
            SB:No,I don't.actually.i like sending cards.
       Do you likegiving present?
       SA:No,I don't.I don't like playing party games.
      6.SA:Do you like visiting exhibitions?
         SB:Yes,I do.Actually.I love visiting exhibitions.
        Do you like listening to rock music?
      SA:No,i don't.I can't stand listenong to rock music.
    7.SA:Do you like eating traditional food.
   SB:Yes,I do.ACtually.I love singing traditional songs.
   Do you like celebrating with friends?
   SA:No,I don't.I can't stand celebrating with friends.